Intertwined Designs | Handmade Hemp Clothing | Our Clothing

Intertwined Designs strives to produce high quality, durable clothing for men and women that is handcrafted in an ethically and environmentally sustainable manner. We choose hemp for our designs because it is strong, requires minimal chemical inputs, and has a higher yield per acre than other fibers. Hemp’s ability to breathe, also makes it an ideal fiber for active clothing. All garments are pre-washed to insure quality apparel that looks, and feels, great. We want you to know that we stand behind the product you hold in your hands. SEE OUR CLOTHING


Intertwined Designs from Jon Massey on Vimeo.

This is a video from 2010, but it still captures our love of nature -and adventure! The clothing featured in this video represents some of our classic styles. Corbin is wearing the Men's Baseball Shirt, and Hemp Drawstring Pants . Betsy is wearing her Hemp 3/4 Bliss Pants, and Hemp Halter Top. These are great garments for desert climbing, because of Hemp's properties of breathability and durability. 


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