Intertwined Designs | Handmade Hemp Clothing | Stores

Want to See our Clothing in Person? Visit These Stores, or Make an Appointment to Visit our Mazama Based Studio.


 Nectar Skin Bar


(509) 996-2417

Goat's Beard

Mazama, Wa.

(509) 996-2515


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  • the "Betsy Pant" is BACK

    There’s 2 things that I remember exactly where I was when I thought of certain things for my business. The first one was - When I decided to re-name to Intertwined Designs - It was originally my real name -... read more

  • 2021 Summer ~ Delays Due to Wildfires

    I’m sure that many of you are aware that in the past week two significant wildfires have erupted here in the Methow Valley. Our home, and my workshop, is located right between the two fires. As I write this, homes... read more

  • A New Way

    This time, last year, an emotion we all felt was Fear. Fear of the unknown as the Corona Virus started to spread, and we were forced into a Lock-Down. Over the past year, Covid has robbed something from all of... read more