Summer Chill Out
Owning your own business is a lot more work than most people realize, it truly consumes your life. Running my business is a 24 hr. commitment, 7 days a week - it never stops!
Of course I take days off, but that just means I have even more work to do when I return to work. When you sew everything, and run the business yourself, there’s no one else to get things done. Don’t get me wrong, being too busy is a wonderful problem to have. I truly love making clothes for each and every one of my customers, but sometimes a girl just needs a break from the sewing machine.
That is why I am shutting down my store from now until September 16th, 2017 - to fulfill one of my lifelong dreams and go snowboarding in South America! It felt strange to wax my snowboard on a 100* August day yesterday, but it made my dream start to feel more real than ever.
Follow me on Instagram ( @intertwined_designs ) to get updates from my adventure!
Sorry For Any Inconvenience, but don’t worry, I’ll be back mid-September to release my Fall Collection and back to business as usual.